Monday 9 January 2012

David Cameron suckered by Salmond!

The SNP went into the election with a clear commitment to hold the Independence referendum in the second half of the parliament. The Unionist parties tried to goad the Scottish Government into moving earlier, but uniquely among British political parties the SNP showed a determination to deliver on its manifesto promises although it has yet to do so on several. The unionist frustration at Salmond's determination to move in his own time as promised has goaded David Cameron into precipitate action.

A referendum in the second half of the parliament may well deliver independence so David Cameron has decided that the Westminster Tory Government will force an earlier vote, he may have played right into Salmond's hands. Like Thatcher, Cameron has demonstrated a contempt for the will of the Scottish people and this latest move shows how little regard he has for us. However the referendum will have a legal status that Salmond's one would not have had, it only takes a stirring up of Scottish resentment of English arrogance and meddling for Cameron to have painted himself into a corner. Salmond could not have split the Union, but he has tricked Cameron into doing it for him.

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