Saturday 11 June 2011

Poisoning Pigeons in The Park - what a good idea!

I am a vegetarian, a pacifist, I have never approved of killing, but now I have become a gardener and things have changed. Whereas, I once would not have harmed an ant, I now appreciate why people turn to insecticide and slug pellets. There is something demoralizing in finding plants one has grown from seed eaten by pests. There was a time when I was annoyed when a squirrel stole the food I put out for the birds but now I am sorely tempted to put out poisoned bird-food.

I was looking forward to a good display from my summer bulbs, they had sent up healthy shoots and I was really looking forward to lots of flowers, but today I arrived home to find the shoots torn away and the bulbs dug up. Had the shoots or the bulbs been eaten, I could have forgiven it, but this was just vandalism. I replaced the bulbs and looking up I saw the culprit, sitting on my roof, looking down at me and laughing, a pigeon. A self satisfied, evil, pigeon and he was gloating.

Tom Lehrer sang of “Poisoning Pigeons in the Park”, but if I get my hands on the pigeon who got my bulbs, so help me, I'll tear him limb from wing!

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