Monday 6 June 2011

Respect for heroes

I think for many people little wars like those happening Iraq and Afghanistan don’t really occur as wars, they think of major conflicts like the two World Wars and discount the little wars. The fact is no matter how big or small a war may be it requires of the participating soldier the same qualities.

To be quite frank I am a pacifist, I don’t approve of war, I don’t approve of violence. However there are many young men and women who don’t share my opinion, and who are putting their lives on the line in what they believe is the service of their country, these people are heroes. I think it is appalling when people who are prepared to, or have made the supreme sacrifice for their country are treated with abuse as we have seen in some demonstrations against the war. Even though we may disagree with them, even though we may oppose the war, the soldiers who go to fight are worthy of respect for their courage and their willingness to serve.

Amongst the heroes we must include the partners, children and families of those who serve. Those who bear tragic loss with dignity and those who turn their loss to righteous anger.

I believe that those who set booby trap bombs, IEDs and operate them by remote control are cowards and worthy of contempt, even more so those who use the mentally impaired as walking bombs. On the other hand there are those we would call “terrorists” who are also worthy of respect for their courage, those prepared to engage in fire-fights and those willing to blow themselves up for a cause, although such action when civilians are the target is utterly reprehensible.

Men of courage deserve to be respected for their courage, however much we may oppose what they stand for. The politicians who choose war as an instrument of politics, on the other hand are utterly worthy of contempt and the sooner we rid ourselves of them the sooner the heroes can enjoy a long and happy life with their families.

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